Home : Stock : Albums : House : Achterbahn D'Amour/ODD MOVEMENTS DLP

Achterbahn D'Amour/ODD MOVEMENTS DLP

Groove Dis Exclusive. The debut full length from the duo of JOHANNES "IRON CURTIS" PALUKA and JURGEN "JOOL" ALBERT is the natural extension of their live-rooted sound, and a perfect followup to their 3 ACID TEST EPs. With a reverence for the 303 and 606 they create a sound for both dark rooms and big sound systems.

Freshly reviewed by Resident Advisor, saying things like, "[Achterbahn D'Amour] have released more music on Acid Test than any other artists, and their contributions have been more unpredictable, often folding in homey deep house and off-kilter techno with the resonant synth lines. The aptly-named Odd Movements contains their strangest music yet. "
The full review can be seen here: http://www.residentadvisor.net/review-view.aspx?id=14368

Also reviewed on Earmilk: "Spastic 303 acid lines itch their way in and out of Odd Movements, but Achterbahn D’Amour thrives on its textural transformations." "Though certainly a cerebral experiment, Odd Movements does not overlook the dance floor – likely the unlit, very loud kind where dancers pulse alone with closed eyes." The full review can be seen here: http://www.earmilk.com/album-reviews/185372/achterbahn-d-amour/odd-movements

Catalog # ATLP03 1
Weight 1.16 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $19.50


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