Home : : Albums : World Music : African Pearls 70/CONGO RUMBA ROCK DLP

African Pearls 70/CONGO RUMBA ROCK DLP

When 70s groove turned electric & took West African coast clubs by storm! Late 40s influence of jazz, European, & Cuban musics combined to form this style of rumba, which later developed into Congolese rumbarock. AMAZING coll. edition back in stock!! Mad limited gatefold vinyl pressing!

Catalog # 6154196 1
Weight 1.16 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $29.25
Quantity Out of print/Not available


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June/JUNE 01 12" Manon/QUE CARA E ESSA-STACY PULLEN 12" Geddes & Tom Demac/NO FIT STATE DCD
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