Home : : Albums : House : Andy Compton/KHOLOFELO CD


After 15 years, ANDY COMPTON of THE RURALS finally drops his first solo album, "KHOLOFELO". An emotional and eclectic blend of sounds and textures with help from talented musicians, singers, and poets best described as afro deep soul music. 11 tracks total. Tip! (PENG)

Catalog # PENGCD019 2
Weight 0.22 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $16.50
Quantity Out of stock


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Kabanjak/RHYTHM EP 12" Sam Russo/LOSING THINGS 12" Black Dog/VEXING REMIXES EP 12"
Super Value/SPECIAL EDITS 11 12" Marius/BALANCE CD Phil Weeks/NATURAL HIGH 12"
Jamie 3:26 & Masalo & Sameed/TESTIFY 12" South Beach Rec/BEACH PARTY DISCO V1 12" Davina Moss/OH MAMA (CUARTERO REMIX) 12"