Home : : Singles : Nu Disco, Balearic : Dimitri From Paris/ERODISCOTIQUE 2 12"

Dimitri From Paris/ERODISCOTIQUE 2 12"

Along with DJ ROCCA, this second EP sees them do early 90s house & electro- boogie which also includes a cover of THE PET SHOP BOYS' song "DOMINO DANCING" featuring TIM BENTON and the dancefloor burning "ERO DISCO THEME". "BACK TO HOUSE" brings out the classic Chicago sound & club vibe. (GOMMA)

Catalog # GOMMA162 9
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $13.50
Quantity Out of stock


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Stereo Twins/FORWARD E-MOTION 12" Lexi Love/FIRE & ICE 12" Blockwerk/STRAIGHT FORWARD 12"
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