Home : : Singles : Nu Disco, Balearic : Late Nite Tuff Guy/2 OF US 12"

Late Nite Tuff Guy/2 OF US 12"

Late Nite Tuff Guy/2 OF US 12"
Adelaide's DESSERT ISLAND DISCS brings back LATE NITE TUFF GUY for another round of reworks. "2 OF US" is the classic GROVER WASHINGTON JR song and "DANCE SHOUT" cuts up the JACKSONS. "TOUCH" on the flipside is the sweet FONDA RAE song and "SHINE" slams through with another groovin 80s tune.

Catalog # DID012 9
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $15.00
Quantity Out of stock


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