Home : : Singles : Reggae : Monty Montgomery(Symarip)/SOUL RADICS 7"

Monty Montgomery(Symarip)/SOUL RADICS 7"

Monty Montgomery(Symarip)/SOUL RADICS 7"
MONTY "Neysmith" MONTGOMERY was the keyboardist/singer for British skinhead reggae legends SYMARIP, these 2 songs with US ska act SOUL RADICS are both moonstomping gems! "SPIRIT OF 69" is a fast paced ska anthem for skins, the flip "BABY BE TRUE" is a reggae duet with DANI RADIC! Colored wax. (JUMPUP)

Catalog # JUMP7MONTY2 7
Weight 0.16 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $7.50
Quantity Out of print/Not available


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