Home : : Singles : House : Todd Terje/BONEY M & GUNS N ROSES 12"

Todd Terje/BONEY M & GUNS N ROSES 12"

Todd Terje/BONEY M & GUNS N ROSES 12"
Another EP of re-edits from TODD TERJE (aka TANGOTERJE) featuring remixes, reworks, or re-edits of BONEY M "NIGHTFLIGHT TO UR ANUS", DEMIS ROUSSOS "I DIG YOU" and GUNS N ROSES "WELCOME TO THE JUNGLE". Pressed on colored vinyl!

Catalog # DM009 9
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $13.50
Quantity Out of stock


Listen to the samples using the player. If it does not work in your browser please make sure it is up to date and possibly upgrade it to the latest version. Also you may consider downloading the playlist and listening the samples using any software (for example: winamp).
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