Home : : Albums : Jazz, Funk : Various/MOCAMBO FUNK 45"S LP


MOCAMBO do the right thing by the kids by assembling their recent 7" output onto one handy compilation. "MOCAMBO FUNK FORTY-FIVES" features tracks from the label's uber-collectible 7" series, most of which are long deleted, and includes cuts from SOUND STYLISTICS, SPEEDOMETER, JTQ, and many more.

Catalog # MLP1001 1
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $27.00
Quantity Out of print/Not available


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J Todd/SHE'S WICKED MARATHON MEN RMX 12" Odd Parents & Maceo Plex/GET ENOUGH 12" Blawan/WHAT YOU DO WITH WHAT YOU... 12"
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