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Baby's Berserk/BABY'S BERSERK LP

Baby's Berserk/BABY'S BERSERK LP
TOY TONICS goes new wave disco with the self-titled debut album from this 4-person group hailing from Amsterdam & Montreal that should definitely appeal to the indie hipster crowd with its cooler than thou vibes! Fans of ESG, LCD, & DFA take note. (TOY TONICS)

A1. Eat Your Dollar
A2. Accessories
A3. Rum 'n' Kola
A4. Snacks
B1. Glassy Towers
B2. Limousine
B3. The Actual Moon Landing Conversation
B4. Dancing With The Fish

Catalog # TOYT147 1
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $27.00
Quantity Out of stock


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