Home : : Singles : World Music : Bosq & Kaleta/MEJI MEJI 12"

Bosq & Kaleta/MEJI MEJI 12"

Bosq & Kaleta/MEJI MEJI 12"
This pair return for the second single from their forthcoming album, with two uplifting Afro funk tracks, including instrumentals of both the title track and "SONAYON". Also features beautiful artwork by AMANDA LOBOS of Brazil. (BACALAO)

A1. Meji Meji
A2. Meji Meji (Instrumental)
B1. Sonayon
B2. Sonayon (Instrumental)

Catalog # BAC010 9
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $22.50
Quantity Out of stock


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