Home : : Singles : House : Ilija Rudman/TEARS.. (RON TRENT RMX) 12"

Ilija Rudman/TEARS.. (RON TRENT RMX) 12"

Ilija Rudman/TEARS.. (RON TRENT RMX) 12"
"TEARS TO SOUND", featuring vocals by ANDRE ESPEUT, gets an astonishingly good remix from Chicago house veteran RON LEGEND that is ultra-deep! It is followed by an "AQUAPELLA". On the B-side are two original RUDMAN songs, the deep house "DISTANT FEELINGS" & Balearic "DEEP SENSATION". (NUNORTHERN)

Catalog # NUNS012V 9
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $15.00
Quantity Out of stock


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