Home : : Singles : House : Various/D3 ELEMENTS: 10 YEARS PT 3 12"

Various/D3 ELEMENTS: 10 YEARS PT 3 12"

Various/D3 ELEMENTS: 10 YEARS PT 3 12"
French label D3, which when pronounced in French sounds like their word for Detroit, is a decade old and celebrates the milestone with a special 3-part EP series. Part 3 of 3 features new music by JASON HOGANS, ZOPELAR, MALIK HENDRICKS, MEFTAH, and DAMAR DAVIS. (D3 ELEMENTS)

A1. Jason Hogans - "Guard Of Joy"
A2. Zopelar - "Resolution"
B1. Malik Hendricks - "Green Mango"
B2. Meftah - "Maha Shatki (Great Energy)"
B3. Damar Davis - "Kiss In The Dark"

Catalog # D3E020LTD 9
Weight 0.50 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $24.00
Quantity Out of stock


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