Home : : Albums : Downtempo, Leftfield : Who Made Who/UUUU DLP

Who Made Who/UUUU DLP

Who Made Who/UUUU DLP
The seventh full-length album from the Danish trio continue with their trademark sounds of sweeping electronic vistas, with heartbreaking melodies and brilliant songwriting. For fans of TRENTEMOLLER or RUFUS DU SOL. (EMBASSY ONE)

A1. The Fall
A2. UUUU (w/ Rampa)
A3. Silence & Secrets
B1. Moon After Moon
B2. Elsewhere (feat. Kat Frankie)
B3. Ojo De Agua
C2. Everyday (w/ Rampa)
C3. Never Alone
D1. Summer (Album Edit)
D2. Hera
D3. Mermaids
D4. 11-11 (AVA4K)

Catalog # 770326 9
Weight 1.16 lbs
Sound Sample:LISTEN
Our price: $45.00
Quantity Out of stock


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